Exam 1:  Summaries, Quotations, Paraphrases, Bibliographies


1. What qualities must a summary have?




2. There are different kinds of summaries. What do you need to cover for these three types of research work?


Scholarly Article


Personal Narrative





















3. You found an article on the web. Below is the information you know about it. Is it a “scholarly” article?  Why or why not?


“Jambalaya:  New Orleans Cuisine.”  The Official Web Guide to the Best of the US. <http://www.bestofus.com/food/neworleans.shtml>

Lull, Alan.  “Foreign Trade Ports during the Meji Restoration.”  The Japan Historical Quarterly Review. 23.3 (2001): 202-253. <http://jstor.com/JapanHistoricalQuarterlyReview/23/lull.html>

A scholarly article

4. Paraphrase the following paragraph:

New risks have appeared, notably with the development of genetic science. For example, if you study the “susceptibility” of a given population to certain illnesses, there is a risk that certain sectors of the population could be stigmatized. Those who are more susceptible than others to developing a certain illness due to their genetic make-up are maybe going to see themselves denied jobs or health insurance. How can we make sure that, on one hand, epidemiological research – which can benefit from the study of genetic data from certain populations – moves forward, but on the other hand, that this does not lead to the stigmatization of individuals?


When writing a paraphrase, you should use approximately the same number of sentences, but select simpler words or simpler sentence structures.  You are adjusting the original document to the new audience. Probably the most you will (or should) paraphrase is 2-3 paragraphs.


5. Look at the paragraph above. Assess the following two quotes.  Are they handled correctly?


a) IBC President Michele Jean asks an important question. “How can we make sure that, on one hand, epidemiological research …moves forward, but on the other hand, that this does not lead to the stigmatization of individuals?”  This is a question that the IBC declaration must address.

b) Michele Jean, President of the IBC, emphasizes the need for fairness.  She says “if you study the “susceptibility” of a given population to certain illnesses, there is a risk that certain sectors of the population could be ostracized.”


6. Is there anything missing from the following bibliographic entries?



    Herbert, George.  The Altar.  Penguin Classics, 1995.


                Look for : author, title, place of publication, publishing house, date.



    MAGAZINE ARTICLE:  Cuomo, Federico.  “Pablo Picasso and Spanish Bullfighting.”  Journal of European Studies.

                Look for: author, title of article, title of journal, volume, issue, date, page numbers.           



    7.  What research range makes for a great paper?