Ways to Do Research


1. Figure out where the information is likely to be found

Is it in a local library?  Is there a library which specializes in my topic?

Does someone have a personal collection on this topic?  Who do you know that knows someone that knows someone...?

Is there a person who knows this information?

Are there alumni organizations or professional organizations I can contact?

Should I visit a museum or other repository of information?

2. Go hunting online

1) Gather at least 3 - 5 terms for the subject

2) In Google, type Definition [subject]

3) [subject].pdf

4) [Subject] bibliography 

5) Wikipedia (double-check the facts and do not cite -- but do look)

6) Look up people of importance to the field

6) Check Amazon or Alibris or other sales sites for book titles written on your topic

7) Search for professional organizations online

8) Use news searches (CNN, BBC, Lexis/Nexis)